Wednesday, May 9, 2007

So… Tyra Banks… Yeah she’s fat now.

I’m sure most of you have been privy to reading blog post after blog post about Tyra Banks and her “weight gain”. I’m sure those of you who watch her show or who watch any kind of entertainment news show are aware of the amount of media attention Tyra is getting because she told the paparazzi to and I quote, “Kiss my fat ass!”

People magazine has listed Tyra as one of the pioneers of our generation because she is standing up against the media in regards to weight gain. She even went so far as to have a whole episode where people had to wear their weight proudly on a “HELLO MY NAME IS” type of badge.

Although, I can’t help but wonder what her motivation is for launching such a campaign. Does she really seek to inspire and educate or is this noble plight something to help boost her ratings and essentially her new image as talkshow Diva? Either way, I suppose it’s nice to have a beautiful, famous supermodel take one for the team.

The irony in this whole situation is that 165 is now the new 200. The Hollywood non-existent dress size (because we all know that zero is not a size) has now poured out onto the general population. We the unconscious sheep are lead to think that we are fat unless we fit into said non-existent size. It’s all about the non-size size. 0 is the new 6. Get it? Got it? Good.

No matter how old I get, I will not think that skeletal celebrities are beautiful ever and no one will be able to convince me otherwise. I look at Nicole Ritchie, Hilary Duff, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton and immediately I feel the need to shove a few cheeseburgers at them. It’s the maternal instinct in me.

That said, I admire Tyra Banks for blasting the media. It takes steely balls to tell the paparazzi powers-that-be to kiss your ass. It means that she is willing to fight for what she believes in, even though we all know the paparazzi will only publish the fugly pictures of Tyra from now on. No one likes to be told to kiss someone’s ass, even if they deserve it.

Evil paparazzi Mofos.


Until Next Time,

The Angry Fat Woman


Anonymous said...

I find it funny though that while she was younger and thinner she was not "taking one for the team", she never spoke out against it because she was part of it and bennifiting from it, but like most people she got older and the metabolic rate slowed down and she got bigger, I have women in my family like that, for years eating what they want to and never gaining a pound then all of a sudden BOoM!!!!!! mother nature takes that gift away.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.


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