Monday, May 14, 2007

Weekend Update: Family, Friends & School... work

My weekend was fairly full of events. Friday night I dyed my hair a beautiful chestnut color. I used the professional stuff and it turned out better than the store-bought stuff! Thankfully, I had my aunt (the cosmetologist in the family) walk me through mixing the solutions and then the application. However, I was a dumbass and forgot to buy a cape to cover myself while I did it. I got some highlighting solution on me as well as the demi-mixed stuff. I have been worrying about cancer all weekend long.

My bathroom had some accidental artistry done to it. I was a bit over-zealous when pouring the solution on my head and now our walls and the floor has brownish spots. Brown is the new white? I think not. Hopefully our landlord will see it as normal wear and tear. Though I know unless I do something about it, it will come out of our deposit. Anyone know what will get hair dye off of the walls and floor?

Despite the messiness... my hair turned out splentastic! Though my husband was a bit pissy about the mess in the bathroom (he is my OC clean freak), he even admitted that it looked great! Score one for the fat girl!

Saturday night I went out with my best gal pals to another gal pal's birthday bash! We had a great time! We got hella drunk and I think scared some lady in the bathroom stall at McDonald's. We don't know who it was, she refused to come out of her stall until we left. We weren't doing anything bad, we were just being loud and giggling. The drunkeness had taken hold of our normally serene personalities. Oh who the hell am I kidding? Even without the booze my gal pals and I act like a bunch of nuts around eachother!

Sunday morning, I got up with the kids and told my husband to go back to bed. I took the kids to the park. Sophie can't do much other than watch Owen climb, run and play.... but she did manage to go down the slide 3 times with her big brother holding her and mommy guiding the both of them.

I got some amazing outdoor shots of Owen playing on the equipment! Great scrapbook stuff!

I got a B in my marketing class and an A on my marketing project. The professor said that it was one of the best he's seen since he started teaching the class! Hell yeah baby! I was so proud of myself! I even chose to do a Non-Profit Organization which is tricker than a for-profit!

I'm not doing so swell in English 102. I've been very negligent of the class and as a result, I think i'll end up failing and having to re-take it. Oy. I hate the prospect, but I know that I need to better re-organize my time. Unfortunately, I think it may be too late to get a salvage-able grade for the class. :o(

Work is work. I think i've removed myself emotionally from the job. I have to realize at some point that companies will never understand a working mom... ever. I'm still treated semi-lepperish... but what the fuck ever. I don't care. I'm just here to do a good job and collect a paycheck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Saturday night I went out with my best gal pals to another gal pal's birthday bash! We had a great time! We got hella drunk and I think scared some lady in the bathroom stall at McDonald's. We don't know who it was, she refused to come out of her stall until we left."

Hey! That was me!!!

Just jokin' (a la Corky St. Clair). I don't visit Mickey's house much anymore 'cause I think he is evil.

You were not negligent of your class. You were negligent about doing the work in your class.

Get Strunk & White. I think it might ease your mind a little.


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